THRUST in the role as an
Efficiency Enhancement
Add on Unit
The Thrust
Architecture concept can also function in
the role of an Efficiency Enhancement Add on Unit connected to an existing
steam driven plant; more specifically, a three (3) unit THRUST system.
In this role or application for the configuration shown, the Thrust
Architecture concept
not only works as a stand-alone system generating electricity in its own
right but in addition the THRUST system is both improving and augmenting the
efficiency of the existing steam Plant (s).
Since an analysis indicates that the THRUST has the capability to produce
1,000 gallons of water per minute at 210 degree Fahrenheit, one way to view
this tremendous amount of heated water is as water that does no work. The
reasoning is as follows.
At the turbine steam interface of a traditional steam driven plant, there is
not a 100% transfer of steam heat energy to the turbine in the form of
mechanical energy, that is, the transferred energy causing the turbine to
rotate. One published figure indicates that only about 80% of the steam
energy is transferred to the turbine while the remaining portion will be lost
and returned to the condenser for condensation back into water. For the sake
of an example if it is assumed that the 1,000 gallons of water per minute at
210 degrees Fahrenheit represents that amount which is lost at the steam
turbine interface (14%) then the amount of heat energy placed in the boiler
will be augmented by the 14% obtained from the THRUST system. Ideally, and
from the example provided above let us assume that the water from the THRUST
system is in a feed pipe and on its way to the boiler and contains the 14% of
the total energy required at the steam turbine interface. Now assume that of
the 100% heat in the water of the boiler from the steam plant (even the water
does not know it at this point) 14% will be lost at the steam turbine
interface. If the water from the THRUST system contains the 14% that is lost
when the steam hits the turbine then one can say that the there was a 100%
steam energy transference at the steam turbine interface. This is of course
not actually true. What actually happened was that there was 114% actual
energy in the water,( that is, 100% plus 14% from the THRUST system) before
the steam hit the turbine.
The 14% that would be normally lost was replaced
by the 14% that entered the feed water from the THRUST system before it was
converted to steam to cause the turbine to rotate .In the real world there
are other inefficiencies in which to contend and the oversimplified example
described here is for illustrative purposes only. However when one considers
that the heated water from the THRUST system is water that is extra and might
be thought of as surplus, then the overall steam process is improved.
In summary, the heat energy, lost at the turbine steam
pressure interface of a traditional plant can be partially replaced by
heat energy contained in the water from the water jacket. It has been
suggested by some visitors that this configuration be referred to as a "Hybrid",
that is, a Thrust/Steam configuration.
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